Red Dust is the last of his kind, an elite group of soldiers used by the governement, The Blood Angels, to supress the people of the land. He is hated by what has survived of society in the future. He now aids the rebels who continue to fight what remains of the government. He wears a mask to hide is face, he has vowed not to show his face until he has atoned for the sins he has committed as a Blood Angel. No matter how much good he does, he is never satisfied, but he aims to people's minds about himself one person at a time.
Blood Angels are unlike humans, they have a very slow heart rate because their blood is very thick. This is due to a compound in their blood that grants them an unqiue ability. They can crystalize their blood and use it to form weapons of any shape and size. In addition to that, they are equiped with bloodfuses. The bloodfuse is a chest armor that has healing properties and can even repair severed limbs. Secretly, Red lives for a fight. When he fights he feels alive, even though he knows that as a Blood Angel he is not truly alive.
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