Sunday, February 25, 2007

Third Time's a Charm

Ding ding ding I just submitted the third wow comic I did. As usual I will be posting it here early and here it is:I like the concept and I'm using some of the things I learned from the other comics, that really helped speed up the process and make it better than the other ones. The colors are vibrant and the forms are solid. The only problem I have with it is the hand in panel 2, it is kind of awkward and I didn't catch it during the refinement phase. Overall. I'm very happy with it and hopefully I'll finally win!



Unknown said...

I read your blood elf one that was on the WoW website! =]

Darin said...

Hey man, I just saw that you won for the month of March!!!!
I saw it.. and the name looked familiar... Dude this guy was in my Organic Modeling class. LOL... Grats man

Raymond Liang said...

Hey Darin, I think I remember you. I stood next to you a few times. Thanks for the comment!