Thursday, November 30, 2006

Stabbin' Spyware

There's been some trouble with my computer. Curse you viruses and spyware, may you all die in a fire! So there is a chance that I will have to take my computer to come professionals to get it fixed, which means I won't be posting for a while.

Today I bring you a bald girl with some daggers from my sketchbook.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Wolf, by Raymond Liang

The far reaches of snow ladden paths dare not breath
If they would, surely the mountains would shed their tears
In the dark caves of these great mounds bear much burden
A wolf
Alone but unafraid

He is an outcast
Forsaken and forgotten
When the Sun reigns, he sleeps and dreams of red and violet
Bathed in moonlight, he hunts and devours nightmares
Howling he shakes the foundation of the world

As one looks upon his form
One dares not look away
A white coat of silk decorate his hide
And he is gone, lost to time


My shoulder was hurting during the holiday weekend so I wasn't able to post much, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I'm not really able to sleep tonight so I thought I would post something. I took the time to scan in over half a dozen old and new drawings including new concept art for my comic. Really it's a lot more fun to scan in a ton of stuff a once than it is to just do one or two.

The shoulder pain continued during yesterday's class. So much so, it turned an otherwise enjoyable class into an agonizing experience. I really like the teacher of that class as most of the student body tend to agree that he is an excellent teacher. Stephen Perkins is teaching ecroche to the fledgling artists and I happen to be one of them. However, I find him to be a bit hard to approach. He is, for some reason, intimidating to me. In any case I think I am doing well in the class and have no other complaints thus far.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Emerald, by Raymond Liang

I was dreaming an impossible lullaby
In it I swam
Across a stream of a distant delta
An eternal green brushes away
My sorrow

The Earth wraps me in its fury
Wind whips my hair
Water spills from the sky to raze my soul
Fire cooled
By The Emerald

Thanks (the kind you give)

I know my posts have been infrequent. I have had some things to mull over. In any rate, I'll redouble my efforts to post.

In the meantime here is more prespective work to look at.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Stuck in a Dream

Here is a sketch from my book, I didn't use a ref and the handlebars look like crap.

I feel like I'm not going anywhere. I have to become more active in my life and seize what I want. Too often am I afraid to do something because I fear the outcome will not live up to my expectations.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

AC Unleashed

This is the final assignment associated with AC , a texture swap. I chose something fun: AC's powered form when her symbiote takes control of her body. She's transformed in to a living frost entity, complete with snow fro!

I'm sketching more on the comic I'm working. I've actually got a name for it, but I think I'll keep it on the hush hush for now. Until next time.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


This is the first sketch that I liked of Sam, the main character of the webcomic I'm developing. I've been inspired by many sources, including but not limited to Flo and D!o.

I'm suffering from insomina again, it comes and goes. At least I'm feeling better about my position in the grand scheme of things. This comic will be good for me. I have a few storylines jotted down in my pad. I'm gonna first create the setting and most of the charaters, then I'll make a buffer of comics that way I can take a break from making them if I want without relying on guess comics (not that I have any friends in the comic making biz to ask to make a comic).

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday Blues

Just another day of sleeping in and doing absolutely nothing for me. I planned to go see my ex, but that fell through. Feel like screaming in pain, but before I can turn around the pain is gone, replaced by emptiness. Here is a picture of a head study from my sketchbook.

I got started with a some concept sketches for my comic I'm working on. Maybe I'll post that tomorrow.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Penny Arcade Scholorship

Blah old perspective work I'm whoring out.

I was gonna post something yesterday, but got tangled up in switching to blogger beta. I woke up real late today (4:00 pm, a travesty I know) and ate a bunch of candy cus I didn't feel like making anything. I've been a bad boy. There is a definite reason for my behavior, but I don't want to get into it. It's the same feeling that makes me not want to go to school today.

I saw that Penny Arcade is accepting applications for a scholarship they are sponsoring. It's for $10,000 and I want to apply for it, however I barely meet the minimum requirements (3.3 - 4.0 GPA is the requirement and I have a 3.33 GPA) I gotta check to see if my GPA is still ok to apply and I think that I will do it. By the way, I have to say that for a professional artist working in the industry of comic making, every one of Gabe's work I've seen where he used reflections he has done it wrong.

Edit: I've updated the ninja perspective drawing I posted in October.

Monday, November 06, 2006

A Promise Delivered

I promised something special this month in October and here it is! My submission for November for the WoW comic contest. Everyone tell me that you think of it :D

I tried a different style than October's submission. If you haven't seen that one it's right here. I hope this one pans out better.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Everybody Loves Mickey

So I did a drawing for this funky Mickey website. Stumbled upon it while reading about Flo. I love that guy's work. The style is refreshing, I might just do a webcomic on my own. I even have a concept ready too.

Speaking of stuff I stumbled upon, I had the fortune to step into this while playing blogger russian rollet. Very hot emo guys indeed. I have to check back on that site, for emm... the shits and giggles of course. I'll post my entry to the WoW comic contest soon seeing as I didn't win last month.


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Textures on AC

I meant to post these sooner, but got all caught up playing WoW. I almost finished texturing AC. She's looking pretty hot. My organic modeling teacher says it looks like I've been modeling for a while, but this is only my 3rd humaniod model. I pick things up pretty quick.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Dreary Thrusday

If it's not perfectly evident by now, I'm whoring out my sketchbook to get through the week.

I played this game called Silkroad today. It's not the most exciting thing in the world. The framerates in the cities was absolutely crapshit for me and the controls are clunky for an ex-WoW addict like me.

Gonna go get ready for my night class. Hope the rest of my week doesn't suck. Tomorrow I go to the movies with my friends, yay finally get to see Saw III. I'll tell you how it goes.
