Sunday, November 11, 2007
A Comic About Druids
I just got done with a new WoW comic. Took me the better part of a day, but I'm definitely churning them out faster. I hope they don't dismiss this comic because there is a picture of a naked Tauren in it. It's not like you can see anything, his fat folds conceal everything. I hope you guys like it.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Delilah the Sorceress
A Splash More Yellow
Wow I haven't posted in forever. Any who, Here's an update on my business card design. The previous one was way too dark for print and I decided that the crazy cracks in the background are totally unnecessary. It's cleaner and has a better design, there are still more flaws I can iron out, but it's mostly there.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Business Card
Monday, October 01, 2007
I Shall Call Him Bubbles
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Goat Boy

I really want to work on my detailed high poly work since I have very limited experience in that area. I'll bring this guy in zbrush and try to make a nice normal map that way.
Friday, September 14, 2007
WIP: Tiny Mage

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Pretty Birds
In a futile attempt to delay having to do my homework I'm gonna post some more work I did from my previous semester. Here is a pretty tessellation I did for my final, my teacher said it wasn't a "true" tessellation, but I followed the instructions perfectly. I think she missed the fact that it not a translation tessellation it's a glide-reflect variety. I studied MC Escher's glide-reflects and got the technique of making them from my high school years. This is definitely a tessellation.

Friday, September 07, 2007
New Comic Friday
Thursday, September 06, 2007
My cousins left SFO last night to return to the land of gumdrops AKA Germany. I didn't get a chance to wish them a proper farewell like I wanted because I was bedridden. Not that I was sick or anything I was just tired and lazy. I think I officially got one of them hooked on Battle Angel Alita. Speaking of which I now own the entire first series now. The last two books are from a different printing and look a bit odd with the others because they are smaller. I might just sell those and buy the right sized ones. I'm such a nut I can't stand it that my books are different sizes. I'll have to be more careful when I get the second series. I was feeling a bit of a kook this morning and I made this comic. It's got a ninja in it so it's awesome. Anything with a ninja in it automatically makes it awesome.
Tried a weird new style with this one and I'm still ironing out some of the kinks.

Friday, August 17, 2007
German Connection
Who would have guessed that I have extended family in Germany of all places. For the next three weeks we have two new guests living with my family. My cousins from German. They're pretty cool. Can't really say anything bad about family from over seas bearing gifts. I got chocolates and cologne, but out of the two I like the chocolates better. Cologne is great but I hardly find myself stepping out and saying to myself, "Damn, I stink! Let me slap on something to cover that BO."
This is a pretty pattern I did for my science of art class that I got an A- in.
This is a pretty pattern I did for my science of art class that I got an A- in.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Inspired by Butterflies
I did a flux advertisement for a class assignment about a week ago. It was for my Science of Art class. The piece is about how the cosmetic industry was using the unique way that Morpho Butterflies get their vibrant blue color to enhance make up. I like how the hair turned out, it's kinda sketch crazy. The wording could have used more work, but it wasn't that important to me at the time.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
I finished a banner for a friend recently. It was actually a few weeks ago, but I hadn't remembered to post about it until now. It's for his website Dads4Sons.com it's an interesting website to say the least. Helps out my friend and made me some money so I didn't see anything wrong with it. Actually it was the first commission that I've done that's generated by this blog. He saw it a while ago and asked me to make the banner for him. It turned out extremely well. I'll post a cropped version here and if you wanna take a look at the larger version you can visit the site: www.Dad4Sons.com.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Of Pigs and Squiggly Things
I did two tessellations for my online class I'm gonna post them here for kicks. I love the pig one, I wasn't really trying to make a pig but it just kinda turned out that way. If I were to redo it I would probably give the piglets some more color in their cheeks and not add the back leg in. It would seem more like they're moving forward if both their front legs were visible. It would take lots of work to correct and I just plain don't feel like it right now. The other one is a rotation tessellation that's more abstract. I wanted to do a third one but I still have lots to do and I feel my energy getting low already.

Monday, July 16, 2007
I've not been feeling well lately, even though I've been exercising lately. My apatite has been really low, well lower than usual. The last time I went to the family doctor the nurse weighed me and said that I lost some weight, there really isn't all that much to lose.
I decided to take another photo for my profile here, it's rather sinister looking, just the way I want. This is definitely not a photo for me to use for a dating service though, it has the potential to scare people away. Since I know nobody ever reads this blog anyway I don't really have anything to lose putting it here. I'm content to know that this is my personal journal for whatever I want to write about.
I decided to take another photo for my profile here, it's rather sinister looking, just the way I want. This is definitely not a photo for me to use for a dating service though, it has the potential to scare people away. Since I know nobody ever reads this blog anyway I don't really have anything to lose putting it here. I'm content to know that this is my personal journal for whatever I want to write about.

Sunday, July 08, 2007
Everyone Loves Cherries
My friend, Zia, came over and she lent me her digital camera so I can do an assignment for my online class. I gotta get a camera soon, it's a disgrace for a 3D modeler/texture artist like me to not have one. We took pictures of hubcaps for the class it was an on the whim choice of subject matter, but it worked out well. I also got some photos of when we went cherry picking. Here's a good one of me.

Sunday, June 24, 2007
Haven't posted anything in a long time, but with good reason (I always say that don't I?) In any case I haven't really had the energy to do much lately, been stuck in this dazed sort of funk. I have been working on two things though, a new comic and a drawing of the zombie cowgirl. It's not finished, so I'll refrain from posting it. Instead I'll post something that was rejected, it was a wine label design that the person who asked for it didn't like so they ended up not picking it. It's kinda abstract and not my best work, it's still charming in its own way.

Friday, June 01, 2007
A Good Birthday
It's been a long time since I posted, and an even longer time since I've done anything constructive. But I have my reasons. I stopped posting because it was finals around the middle of May. At the 28 of May I celebrated my birthday with my friends and family. We went cherry picking and had sushi. One of my better birthdays. It certainly sets the bar for how I will judge subsequent ones. I don't need any presents, just good company and they were. I got my favorite shoes dirty in the orchard and I don't even care. I'm gonna try really hard to work on models for my portfolio as it stands now I have a lot of free time I just hope I have the self control to not spend it all on wow.
Here's a concept drawing I did that got used as the base for the bar environment I made for my modeling/texturing class final:
Here's a concept drawing I did that got used as the base for the bar environment I made for my modeling/texturing class final:

Monday, May 07, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007

I'll post more later when I have a bit more time. Working name for the figure is Karen Blackwater.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Job Hunting
Monday, April 09, 2007
A Delicacy
I just finished a submitted a new comic to the new round of the WoW comic contest, I'm not holding back any punches this time. They will feel the full fury of my comic making skills! This time, I'm using techniques from Kazu Kibuishi, the creator of such great comics as Copper and Daisy Kutter. I don't yet share his wonderful sense of color design, but I'll just have to keep on trucking. Again, this time I use the knowledge of my previous comics to improve upon my latest one. Tell me if you notice a difference in quality.
Oh shit... I just notice some supertypos, even spelled my own name wrong! ARGH! This is what I get for staying up to do it. I'll fix it on my end, but it's too late to fix the version I already sent them, have to grin and bear it... sigh. The one on top as the fixes, the one on the bottom has the horrible typos.
Oh shit... I just notice some supertypos, even spelled my own name wrong! ARGH! This is what I get for staying up to do it. I'll fix it on my end, but it's too late to fix the version I already sent them, have to grin and bear it... sigh. The one on top as the fixes, the one on the bottom has the horrible typos.

Saturday, April 07, 2007
More Comics to Come

Above is a sketch of Christian Bale that I did for a male figure study.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Drawing Cuties
I recently discovered the joys of watching Brothers and Sisters, the hit new ABC show. My favorite character is Kevin Walker portrayed by Matthew Rhys (Reece). I sat down and watched every episode, in fact, and is now officially enamored with the yummy star. In fact, I did a drawing of him, in color no less.
Brothers and Sisters is the first thing in a long time to capture my attention and I actually stopped playing WoW to watch it, which is a testament to the greatness of the show. I'm glad to hear that they will be getting another season.

Saturday, March 31, 2007
In Other News
I won the comic contest! Yay, joy is me. Damn now I can't submit more comics to them. It was fun while it lasted, I regret not being more productive and making a crap load of comics and not posting here as much as I would like. I still have a few ideas for comics on my drafting board, maybe I'll finish them up.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Unexpected Business

In other news, I'm on spring break. In the meanwhile, I got a commission as rare as that is. I won't go into any details right now (I'll ask the client later if it's OK to publish the results here). However, if anyone needs a figurative artist for any commission work I welcome any chance to test my skills.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The Pains of Slowness
I had my friend rebuild my computer, it runs fine except for one thing: he was out of ram. So for almost half a week now the damned thing has been sluggy as hell. And now I'm stuck in the labs on a computer that makes mines at home look like the Easter Bunny on coke. At least I got a stick of 512 mb ram in my backpack to upgrade my home computer with. However, there isn't much I can do about my current situation. I just have to suffer this until 6:30 and go to the zbursh workshop to get my project for tomorrow done. I have to get to posting more, but for now here's another concept sketch.

Monday, March 05, 2007
The Calm
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Third Time's a Charm
Ding ding ding I just submitted the third wow comic I did. As usual I will be posting it here early and here it is:
I like the concept and I'm using some of the things I learned from the other comics, that really helped speed up the process and make it better than the other ones. The colors are vibrant and the forms are solid. The only problem I have with it is the hand in panel 2, it is kind of awkward and I didn't catch it during the refinement phase. Overall. I'm very happy with it and hopefully I'll finally win!

Monday, February 19, 2007
Curses to Maya
Since Maya is being a royal bitch and is not letting me open 8.5 files on 8.0 I thought I'd be more active here and share some more of what I'm working on. Here's another perspective drawing for the Scrapyard.
This one got all smuggy but I thought I'd show it anyway. This part of the scrapyard is actually the arena and the setting is a near future where all the humans have died off and robots now run the show. The robots duke it out in the arena part of the scrapyard for supremecy as well as entertainment. I know that this is so very similar to the scrapyard from Battle Angel Alita, but I have a different vision. It's definitely more whimisical than the gritty scrapyard of Alita's world. I's say it's 80% whimsy and 20% gritty. The glowing cube suspended by the stick in the picture is an idea that my teacher said I should look into. Something along the lines of knowing the robot version of what a head on a stick is. I came up with a data cube that's been completely magnetized so that all it's data is destroyed.

The Scrapyard
I'm working on a scrapyard environment for my CG environments class. It's the "hard" class for this semester, hopefully I actually get something cool by the end of it. I'm kinda scared though because it's the 4th week already and we haven't even started modeling yet. We've been doing a ton of preproduction though, and I guess that doesn't hurt. Here is a sketch for the class.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
A Little Time
It's the third week of school and I have been neglecting my posting again. Good news though I'm almost 70 on my mage, woot! I'm currently 69 and 1/3 hehe. I'm so close to spellsteal and a flying mount I can taste it. That's probably the biggest reason I haven't been posting or drawing. School have ignited my drawing again as it tends to do so here's a thumbnail sketch. I'll go into more detail of it as I post more drawings about the environment I'm doing.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Caught in a Rut
I'm caught is a tangled web. It's name is the WoW expansion pack: The Burning Crusade! Curse you why do you have to be so gosh darn fun! I haven't gotten anything done that I said I would. I also haven't been posting worth a damn. Oh well here's some more environmental sketches to look at.

Sunday, January 14, 2007
Back in Business
OK computer is up and reconfigured and if I'm lucky I'm looking at a more powerful machine soon. Here's a quick doodle of a scene I just made up out of the blue.
It's lacking something but I cant put my finger on it.
I'm working on a drawing that I really like at the moment, it really shows off what I was able to pick up in ecroche class, but I prefer not to scan works in progress as doing that tend to throw me off, but I'll be sure to share the finished product.

I'm working on a drawing that I really like at the moment, it really shows off what I was able to pick up in ecroche class, but I prefer not to scan works in progress as doing that tend to throw me off, but I'll be sure to share the finished product.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
The Reason for Silence
Well it finally happened, I don't mean me going completely crazy cus that happened a long time ago. I mean my computer caught something bad and cut me off from my daily daily. This also wiped my buffer of work I scanned and did for the blog. I'll have to do that work all over again. In the meanwhile I'll just have to keep it going without posting pics with my posts. It's a real pain to have to reinstall and reconfigure my computer again, oh woe is me.
Here's a design I did for a friend, it seems like he's not gonna use it though so I have no problem with posting it here.
It's still quite unrefined.
Here's a design I did for a friend, it seems like he's not gonna use it though so I have no problem with posting it here.

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